Sheftalies Recipe

Sheftalies Recipe

Antonis Varnava


(Serves 4)

800g minced pork

⅓ tsp Cinnamon

1 onion, finely chopped

Half bunch parsley, finely chopped

2-3 tbsp breadcrumbs (optional)

1 pork or lamb ‘panna’ (caul fat)


Salt & pepper to season



Wash the caul fat well with water and vinegar.

In a bowl, thoroughly mix the minced meat, salt, pepper, cinnamon, breadcrumbs, onions and parsley and mould into small egg-size shapes.

Place the mixture over the caul fat and wrap each separately into tight packages.

Cook over charcoal barbeque or on the grill, turning regularly until cooked evenly on all sides.

Serve in pita bread accompanied with kebab, or just by itself. One portion is about five pieces of sheftalies

Note: Sheftalies can also be made with chicken mince.

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